Reakar Electric

About us


**Introducing Apan Desai: CEO of Reakar Electric**

Meet Apan Desai, the driving force and Chief Executive Officer behind Reakar Electric, a pioneering electric vehicle (EV) company poised to reshape the landscape of sustainable transportation. Apan’s journey is a testament to the spirit of innovation, determination, and a profound commitment to a greener future.

Apan Desai, a young and self-taught entrepreneur, embarked on the path of electric mobility with a vision to redefine the way we move. His passion for vehicle development ignited a spark that would soon evolve into Reakar Electric. Apan’s hands-on approach to learning, coupled with an insatiable curiosity, has fueled the company’s ethos of continuous innovation and adaptability.

Apan Desai
Reakar Electric


Apan’s role as CEO extends far beyond the realms of vehicle development. With an astute mind for business and a keen eye for financial strategy, he actively oversees the financial landscape and critical business decisions at Reakar Electric. His multifaceted leadership ensures a holistic approach to the company’s growth, aligning technological advancements with sound financial principles.

Under Apan’s guidance, Reakar Electric has become synonymous with cutting-edge technology, sustainable practices, and a commitment to excellence. His hands-on involvement in the intricacies of EV development reflects not only a deep understanding of the industry but also a genuine passion for creating vehicles that transcend expectations.

Apan Desai
Reakar Electric

Apan Desai’s leadership is characterized by a forward-thinking approach, where each decision is guided by a commitment to environmental stewardship and technological innovation. As Reakar Electric continues to push the boundaries of electric mobility, Apan’s leadership ensures that the company remains at the forefront of the EV revolution.

In Apan Desai, Reakar Electric has a leader who not only envisions a cleaner, more sustainable future but actively steers the company towards it. His story is one of inspiration, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. As Reakar Electric accelerates towards new horizons, Apan Desai stands at the helm, steering the company towards a future where electric vehicles redefine the way we experience mobility.


Apan Desai
Reakar Electric

Radoslav Takev: Transformative CTO of Reakar Electric

Embarking on the electrifying journey of innovation and sustainable transportation, Reakar Electric proudly presents Radoslav Takev, the brilliant Chief Technology Officer (CTO) steering the technological frontier of our EV startup. Radoslav’s wealth of experience and technical prowess positions Reakar Electric at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution.

A Pioneer in Embedded Systems and Software Development

With over 30 years of industry expertise, Radoslav stands as a luminary in the realm of embedded systems and software development. His profound knowledge, honed through decades of hands-on experience, forms the bedrock of Reakar Electric’s technological advancements.

Radoslav Takev
Reakar Electric


Industry Trailblazer: A Legacy with Big Companies

Radoslav’s professional journey has been marked by a legacy of innovation and leadership with major industry players. His contributions have not only shaped the trajectory of the companies he has been a part of but have also left an indelible mark on the fields Embedded Systems.

Shaping the Future: Industrial Automation and Vehicle Electronics

Radoslav Takev’s influence extends beyond traditional automotive boundaries. His proficiency in industrial automation and vehicle electronics propels Reakar Electric towards a future where electric mobility converges with smart, efficient, and interconnected systems.

Radoslav Takev
Reakar Electric

The Technical Visionary

In Radoslav Takev, Reakar Electric has found a technical visionary, a trailblazer committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. His leadership ensures that every vehicle bearing the Reakar Electric insignia is not just a mode of transport but a testament to the relentless pursuit of technological excellence.

As we navigate the future of electric mobility, Radoslav Takev stands as the technological compass guiding Reakar Electric towards a world where innovation meets sustainability, and electric vehicles redefine the very essence of transportation.


Radoslav Takev
Reakar Electric

Introducing Eduard Hustinx: Strategic Chief Systems Officer of Reakar Electric

At the forefront of Reakar Electric’s leadership stands Eduard Hustinx, a seasoned veteran in the realm of electric mobility and the distinguished Chief Systems Officer (CSO). Hailing from the Netherlands, Eduard brings over 30 years of invaluable experience, coupled with a deep understanding of electric vehicles, to propel Reakar Electric into a new era of innovation.

Dutch Expertise: A Stalwart from the Netherlands

Eduard Hustinx’s journey is intricately woven with the rich tapestry of Dutch engineering and ingenuity. His roots in the Netherlands provide Reakar Electric with a strategic advantage, tapping into a legacy of precision engineering and sustainable practices.

Eduard Hustinx
Reakar Electric


A Pillar of Experience: 30 Years in Electric Vehicles

Eduard’s illustrious career spans over three decades, marking him as a true pioneer in the electric vehicle domain. His extensive experience serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards cutting-edge solutions and groundbreaking advancements in the world of EVs.

Consultant to Giants: Shaping the Industry

Eduard’s impact extends far beyond the confines of a single company. As a consultant to some of the largest Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), he has played a pivotal role in shaping the strategies of industry giants, contributing to the development of their electric vehicle portfolios.

Eduard Hustinx
Reakar Electric

Strategic Leadership: Chief Systems Officer

In his role as Chief Systems Officer at Reakar Electric, Eduard Hustinx orchestrates a symphony of systems integration and strategic planning. His wealth of knowledge ensures that every Reakar Electric vehicle is not merely a collection of components but a meticulously crafted system, harmonizing efficiency, performance, and sustainability.

Trailblazing Development: Shaping the Future of EVs

Eduard’s vision extends to the forefront of electric vehicle development, where he envisions Reakar Electric as a catalyst for change. His leadership positions the company as a trailblazer, pushing boundaries and setting new standards for electric mobility.
Committed to Progress

In Eduard Hustinx, Reakar Electric has a Chief Systems Officer committed to progress, innovation, and a sustainable future. His strategic acumen, coupled with a profound understanding of electric vehicles, propels Reakar Electric towards a horizon where EVs are not just a mode of transport but a symbol of technological excellence and environmental responsibility. As we journey into the future of electric mobility, Eduard Hustinx leads the charge, steering Reakar Electric towards new heights of success.

Eduard Hustinx
Reakar Electric